Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Goals Not Resolutions

Today is the first day of the new year. Last night people were celebrating with loved ones and remembering their favorite moments of 2018. 2018 ended in a snowball of bad news and it was difficult to think of anything good last night. So instead I thought about resolutions. I don’t make resolutions. Resolutions are just good thoughts that tend to disappear as the new year progresses. So instead this year I made 3 goals. You might think that goals are similar to resolutions and I suppose in many ways they are, but goals are different in one major way: they have steps. You start with a goal and then under the goal are the little steps that it will take to get there. These little steps are manageable, but they lead to a big accomplishment at the end.

There are plenty of goals I would like to achieve by this time next year, but I also don’t know what tomorrow is going to look like and it would be unrealistic, even impossible, for me to plan out each day for the next year. So instead, I chose three goals to work on this year. Goals can be added as other goals are completed. My goals:

1) Get healthy
2) Get organized
3) Obtain my masters degree

These goals might seem vague, but each goal has several steps underneath it. For example, get healthy includes eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables each day, along with drinking more water each day. The trick is to have specific steps that are measurable and obtainable. You don’t want to say lose weight, but have a target goal like 20 pounds. Start with something that is manageable, but not achievable in a day. You need to strive for it, but you shouldn’t struggle for an excessive amount of time to reach the step.

I will explore each of these goals further in future posts and talk about the Bible verses that support these goals. For now, I am going to reflect on the new year and get ready to return to work tomorrow. What are your goals for the new year? 

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