Happy Thanksgiving!
"In everything give thanks.." There is so much for Christians to be thankful for and in everything we should show gratitude to God for it is His will for our lives. Even on the very worst of days, those imagined and those we have experienced, we can show gratitude because even on those days our eternity has been sealed with Jesus. When we are hurt, when we face loss, and when we are grieving we can rest in the hope that is Jesus Christ for this life is not the end. For Christians there is hope in an eternal life spent with God where sorrow is not known. I am not claiming that Christians shouldn't experience grief or that they don't have a right to feel their hurt, but that even in loss we can show gratitude to God. In everything give thanks.
Today, I am thankful for the success of the Thanksgiving dinner I cooked. Cooking the turkey had some challenges, but I was able to overcome these challenges and cook a 20 lb turkey for dinner. The challenges were actually pretty funny. The first challenge came when I pulled the roasting pan out of the oven to add some tinfoil and the left tucked wing of the turkey decided to break free, wedging the turkey wing against the top of the oven. With some help I was able to get the wing unstuck and the turkey back in the pan to finish cooking. The second challenge came when it was time to flip the turkey. The 20 lb turkey was nearly too big for my oven, which meant that flipping the turkey was near impossible. Again, the turkey threatened to become stuck in the oven. Fortunately, the challenges were overcome and the turkey was cooked. Going into this dinner I had done a substantial amount of research about cooking turkeys and because of this I am slightly disappointed because my turkey was not as juicy as I would have liked.

There is so much to be thankful for and I hope that this challenge has inspired you to think of all the areas of your life where you can show gratitude. Every area, even the complicated ones, is a chance to give thanks to God. There are four more days left in November, which means there are four more days to give thanks. November isn't the only month that we can express thankfulness. Gratitude is an activity that we should practice daily. Every night I record on my phone three aspects of my day that I am grateful for and every week I record the week's blessings in a document on my computer. I started this practice last year. Keeping a record of your blessings makes it easy to access on days when you are struggling to be grateful.
What are you thankful for today?
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