Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thankful November

November has been busy, but has been a month full of blessings. The beginning of the month I spent time in Kansas with my family and took a reprieve from the busy life that comes with living in a city. I also celebrated the return of a friend from Africa. The rest of the month progressed rather quickly and not without its fair share of events. I spent time with the one I love and finally enjoyed some In N Out. I went to the movies and spent an afternoon relaxing in luxury seating. The month closed out with some much needed time off of work and time to finish up Christmas shopping. I have managed to go from zero ideas for Christmas gifts this year to having bought or ordered nearly all of them. Although Christmas is far more than gifts, it is nice to be able to have something to give other people. 

This month has been busy, but not without blessings. My intentions were to post regularly the blessings I experienced, but schedules are not always possible to keep. That said, I know I have much to be thankful for and I will continue to record my daily gratitude in my personal blessings log. If you struggle with sadness or bitterness then I encourage you to do the same. Every day you spend a few minutes and write a few things that you are grateful for and title them blessings. These items are things that you can remember when you are having a harder time with life. Your gratitude doesn't have to be large or elaborate and can be as simple as enjoying your favorite food. There are days when my heart was heavy and I struggled with gratitude, but then I realized that even the smallest aspects of our lives can contain blessings. Perhaps some may think I'm silly when I write that I am grateful for potstickers from my favorite Chinese restaurant, but in the experience my heart is filled with gratitude. The point of gratitude is that we are thankful for everything God gives us, both the little and the big, and to enjoy every moment of our lives. 

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