Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Thankful November: The Plan

I can hardly believe that it is already November. This is harder to believe since I have yet to start planning anything for Christmas. There use to be a time when I was done with all of my Christmas shopping by October, but hardships in the last five years have transitioned me towards procrastinating Christmas shopping. I always intend to plan ahead and finish early, but that is happening less and less these days. All of this is really besides the point. The point is that I can't believe it is November already and that I want to take some time to appreciate all of my blessings before the craziness of December sets in. I will probably still post a few Christmas related posts this month, but the majority of my posts will be focused on gratitude. 

Every day I record three things I am grateful for in the list section on my phone and then transcribe those blessings onto a list on my computer, but this month I am going to spend some time each week writing about something I am grateful for. Whenever these things involve a person I am going to find a way to express my gratitude towards them because gratefulness is not expressed enough when it comes to the people in our lives. It might be something they did for me or just their general presence in my life, but I am going to find a way to express my gratitude. I encourage you to do the same. 

Last year I followed a 30-day prompt and wrote each day about something that I was grateful for, but it was a lot to keep up with and some of the days were not well thought out. By the end of the challenge I felt obligated to write on that topic and the purpose of gratitude was lost. A 30-day prompt is still something worth trying, but this year I am going to let the experience be more natural. I am going to spend an hour or so each week just meditating on all of my blessings and write about the one that stood out the most at the end of the hour. I will readily admit that some weeks the blessing is probably going to seem pretty trivial, but sometimes the littlest things are the biggest blessings. 

Leave a comment below if you are planning on doing the Thankful November and be sure to tell me some of the things you are thankful for in your own life. 

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