Busyness. There is this quote that stands out to me, it is from a
Big Bang Episode, "I was too busy. Too busy to help my own mother." This comes after one of the characters' mom passes away while on vacation. Every time I watch this episode his words stand out to me. There is this belief in life that we are too busy, maybe we are, and that we don't have time for others, but there will be time later. Except later is not guaranteed, for you or for the others you're putting off.

Yesterday, I was very busy working on my Reverse Lent challenge for my other blog, catching up on my to-do list, and trying to get a jump start of reading for my second quarter of classes. But I made a point to stop, to spend time with the people around me, and to enjoy their presence, rather than viewing them as a distraction. Part of that meant spending some time at my sister's graveside. Spending time there is a reminder life is precious and people are more important than deadlines or material possessions. Remember your entire life can change in an instant. Appreciate all you have now.
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