I have been struggling with frustration. I have attributed my irritability to stress and yet taking measures to prevent stress had no affect. The frustration and irritability, particularly how I was responding to people, was leaving a bitterness at the end of the day and pain in my heart. I was reminded of the day when I refused to forgive and the anger ate at my heart. Last night I prayed about this, I felt God telling me frustration was a choice and we didn't have to respond to other people with irritability.
Today I did the same thing I did back in September: no matter what happened I wasn't going to be upset or act out my frustration. And just like before there were things that would upset me, but today I didn't let it bother me. The things that weren't personal I didn't take personally. I gave myself the opportunity to breathe before responding. It changed my entire day and where I would have been frustrated before, I was now happy and content. Remember we can only control our own actions.
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