Saturday, May 2, 2015

Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2: The Benefits of Wisdom. We are told to seek wisdom like silver or hidden treasure, to accept God's words, to store up His commandments within us, and to apply our hearts to understanding. If we do this we will find success and be protected from the ways of the wicked. The benefits of wisdom include living a righteous life and living in the land. The land being the promised land, the land God promised the early Jews, and ultimately an eternal life with God.

I have always valued wisdom, sought out knowledge, but until today I never really considered the benefits of wisdom. Despite the saying, "ignorance is bliss," wisdom actually makes life easier and better in the long run. Yes, wisdom takes more time, but we are less likely to be led astray and suffer unnecessary consequences. Wisdom is very much a treasure and is God's way of protecting us from the ways of wicked people. 

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