Thursday, May 7, 2015

Proverbs 7

Proverbs 7: Warnings Against The Adulterous Woman. Again, we are warned against adultery. Adultery is painted as enticing, but is a trap in reality. The example is an animal being led to slaughter. The hunter designs himself to be enticing, often used to trick animals into believing they are about to mate, only to slaughter the animal, who never saw it coming. In much the same way an adulterous woman is said to lead a man to death.

Adultery is a devastating sin with consequences that effect more than the active parties. If these consequences were thought about before the sin then the sin would not be likely to happen. Think of your husband or wife, the love and trust he or she has for you. Think about the example you are setting for your children. Do you want your son or your daughter to do this to their spouse? Do you want to have your child face that same betrayal from their spouse? Think and then act, do not be led astray. If you have already sinned, repent, and turn from your sin. It is not too late to turn onto the righteous path.

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