Monday, May 4, 2015

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 4: Get Wisdom at Any Cost. Wisdom and understanding are not easy to obtain, but we are instructed to obtain them at all costs. Wisdom is seen as protection and prevents those who have it from stumbling. Personally, I enjoy learning new things and studying material until I understand it, but gaining wisdom and understanding is hard. It requires effort on your part, but the rewards last a lifetime. Wisdom allows us to identify wicked men and to avoid their path. Wicked people can't rest without doing wicked things, but their actions only lead to destruction.

Seek to obtain wisdom and keep it within your heart. Wisdom and understanding are life and health to one's whole body. Guard your heart because all of your actions flow from it. Keep corrupt talk away from your lips. Let your eyes lock straight ahead and give careful thoughts to the paths for your feet. It is easy to wander off the path when you aren't focused, which is why wisdom says to keep your eyes straight ahead on the path you are taking, do not turn to the left or to the right.

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