Sunday, May 3, 2015

Proverbs 3

Proverbs 3: Wisdom Bestows Well-Being. Keeping God's commandments in your heart will prolong your life, as well as bring about peace and prosperity. Love and faithfulness should be with you always for they will win you favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Do not rely on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord with all your heart and in all your ways submit to Him. Honor the Lord with your wealth and your wealth will be overflowing. Do not despise the Lord's discipline, but rejoice for He disciplines those He loves. Do not withhold good from those who deserve it or plot to harm your neighbor. Do not accuse without reason or envy the violent.

Wisdom is a continuous process of knowing and understanding God's commandments that leads to our well being. Wisdom means being at peace with our neighbors, honoring God in all we do, doing good to others, and accepting God's discipline as a loving gesture to protect us from being led astray by wicked people. 

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