Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Proverbs 5

Proverbs 5: Warning Against Adultery. An adulterous woman seems tempting, but her ways only lead to aimlessness.  If you enter into her house you will lose honor, your dignity, and strangers will feast on your wealth. When your life is done you will groan and regret that you hated discipline. You will find trouble because you didn't obey your teachers. Instead drink from your own cistern and your own well, do not share them with others, and rejoice in the wife of your youth. For lack of discipline you will die, led astray by your own folly.

Adultery ruins a lot of lives and brings about heartache. If you are the adulterer it might seem justifiable, your needs weren't being met, but the reality is your selfish actions brought about unnecessary pain and heartache. If you are the victim then you struggle to understand why. What about you wasn't good enough? What could you have done differently? There will never be answers to those questions. The truth is no matter how far things have gone, God can always work it together for your good. 

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