Monday, August 10, 2015

Everything Hidden Will Be Made Known

Today, Luke 8:17 "Everything that is hidden will become clear, and every secret thing will be made known," resonates with me. I don't understand why people hide things. That isn't to say there shouldn't be secrets, there are some secrets that should be kept, but when an action affects someone else you shouldn't hide it. Today, a decision made by someone else was brought into the light. A decision that affected multiple people, who had reason to be concerned, was made and then covered up. That which is hidden will become clear. Upon finding out, feelings were hurt and relationships were put in danger of being broken. I don't understand the point of keeping this decision secret, but the decision has already been made.

This wasn't my decision and I'm not one of the people hurt by it, yet this lesson resonates with me. I think about other things that were hidden, things hidden from me, and how those things always came out. It would have been so much better if the person had been honest from the beginning instead of hiding the truth. Speaking up isn't easy, but the truth is so much better for the heart than a lie. A lie is only adding betrayal to the hurt a truth might cause. For me, a lie is also insulting because it implies I am unable to handle the truth. It robs me of the opportunity to demonstrate my understanding and to love them anyway. Yes, I can still love them after a lie, but it is different because a level of trust has been lost. Everything hidden will become known in the light so just be honest. 

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