Saturday, August 1, 2015

Love's Motivation

S scripture: " Render service with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men." Ephesians 6:7
O observation: Love's motivation. Love motivated by external conditions of feelings will not be sustained. If we only love because we are loved then love is unable to persevere when love isn't returned. Yet, we know, love loves even when love isn't returned. Love can persevere because love is from God. When we love as way of honoring God then we know we have an endless supply of love's characteristics, like patience, to love one another with. Love honors God, but it also benefits others, those He has allowed us to love.
A application: I have spent time trying this [render service as to the Lord], but quickly found myself "rendering service" as to the conditions of my circumstances. The problem with this response is that it perpetuates the conditions further so something bad goes to worse and it becomes a never-ending cycle. Yet when I choose to "render service" as to the Lord I found that worse things became better. Today I choose to persevere and to continue to render service as to the Lord; remembering His love and not the conditions or feelings I am facing.
P prayer: God, forgive me for not loving in a way that honors You. I have seen the difference and yet I continue on my own way, which always leads to heartache and disappointment. Help me to not be stubborn and to love in a way that honors You. In Your loving name, Amen. 

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