Friday, July 31, 2015

Love Makes Sacrifices

This summer has been incredibly difficult and in stark contrast to last summer. The depth of despair led to today's incredibly awkward experience at work where all of my frustration bubbled up into tears. Not tears, sobs, uncontrollable sobs. As I tried to stop crying and to busy myself with work, I couldn't help, but I help except feel ashamed. I had failed. I had allowed my physical experiences to control me and I succumbed to my emotions. I am embarrassed by my uncontrollable crying at work and over something I should have been able to prevent: burnout. Yet, today has two lessons worth sharing. 

First, take care of yourself to prevent burnout. Recognize your limits and be open to communicating those limits. Although in this situation I had expressed my limits and the situation didn't change. So I suggest being firm about your limits. After today's melt down I have a feeling people will listen to my words more. Make sure you are taking breaks and removing yourself from stress. This next week I am taking off of work and I am going to enjoy a vacation. After today, it is considered a much needed vacation. Second, your moment of "weakness" is a teaching opportunity for other people affected by a similar situation so try not to be ashamed. Today, dozens of new employees witnessed my crying and blood shot eyes, they had the opportunity to see a "veteran" become emotionally upset over frustration, and they witnessed my perseverance in continuing to work the rest of the day. When I was able to speak without crying or tearing up, I was able to explain my justified frustration and use my experience as a teaching tool for newer employees. Sometimes showing them what not to do is more valuable because they can see the consequences. 

S scripture: "He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers." 1 John 3:16
O observation: Love makes sacrifices. Jesus modeled love for us when He died on the cross. We had a need (to be saved) and He sacrificed His own life to meet it (salvation). He didn't complain about His needs or His hardships, but immediately recognized our needs and our hardships then sacrificed to meet the needs and end the hardships. Our love should be the same. We should recognize need without being told and sacrifice to meet those needs. We are to take care of one another and to provide for others.
A application: Today's lesson in love was about not being selfish, but I can only think about how today I need to be selfish, I need someone to recognize my need, and I need my need to be met. Yet, that isn't what the scripture says so today I pray for strength to endure and to sacrifice for love. I recognize how other people have attempted to meet my need even when I wished the one I love would, which reminds me to choose to be grateful for what I do have.
P prayer: God, my heart is heavy with need, but I pray for strength to endure and to be able to sacrifice for others. I thank You for the people who did recognize my need. Help me to be able to do the same for others and to be able to help them. In Your loving name, Amen

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