Thursday, July 9, 2015

Love Is Not Irritable

S scripture: "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city." Proverbs 16: 32

O observation: Love is not irritable. To be irritable is to be near the point of a knife. Irritability is caused by stress and selfishness. God doesn't want us to become angry unless our anger can be justified in His sight. Control over our reactions makes us strong and powerful, as one who captures a city. When life squeezes us, we should be sweet and not sour. 

A application: I am irritable. I allow life to squeeze me, to drain me, and to turn me sour. I try to add margin to my life, but sometimes I find myself drained and my fuse short. I need to be better about adding margins and giving myself rest so I can be slow to anger.

P prayer: God, when life squeezes me I often turn sour. Please replenish my spirit that I would in turn be sweet. Help me to remember to add margin to my life and to not overreact to minor moments. Please help me to remember love is not irritable. In Your loving name, Amen.

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