Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Love Seeks To Understand

S scripture: "How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding." 
Proverbs 3: 13
O observation: Love seeks to understand. To find wisdom and understanding in love you must study the one you love. You must desire to know more about them than your favorite sports team or hobbies. Love seeks to understand their hopes, dreams, and fears, as well as to gain wisdom in the way they think. Understanding prevents conflict stemmed from different points of view.
A application: Our flesh, that has grown comfortable with this other person, convinces our hearts that we know our love and we don't need to spend countless hours studying them. The truth is very different: the one we love is a deep well and it would take a lifetime to reach the bottom. There is plenty unknown that needs to be known and studied. Love seeks to understand. Today I seek to know him greater and to increase my wisdom about him.
P prayer: God, my understanding has fallen short. I have allowed myself to be fooled and believed I understood when I didn't. I have allowed misunderstandings to bring conflict. Please forgive me for not seeking understanding. Help me to find wisdom and to gain understanding that I would be blessed. Help me to discern information given that I would be able to understand and avoid conflict. Help me to obtain the opportunity to learn more. In Your loving name, Amen

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