Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Love Is Impossible

S scripture: "Let us love one another, for love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
O observation: Love is impossible. Unconditional, sacrificial love is impossible outside of God. The love we can manufacture from our own hearts, apart from God, cannot keep us from becoming angry or forgiving an offense. Yet God allows His love to be poured our through us. God's love for others is expressed through us because He has given us the Holy Spirit. When we love the scripture says we are born of God and that we know God because love is from God.
A application: How great it is that God expresses His love for others through me! God is allowing me to love this person that He himself loves deeply and letting me know Him deeper by allowing me to love His child. Oh, but I have forgotten that loving someone is a privilege and something to be valued above all else. I have fallen short, but I choose today to love, to value love as a privilege, and to know God deeper through my love for others.
P prayer: God, I have fallen short and I ask for Your forgiveness in my shortcomings. I am sorry I forgot love was a privilege and took it for granted. I ask that You would help me to submit to the Holy Spirit and allow me to demonstrate Your unconditional love for the ones You love. I want to love that it would be said I know You. In Your loving name, Amen.

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