Monday, July 13, 2015

Love Is Unconditional

S scripture: "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
O observation: Love is unconditional. Agape love is unconditional, based on the choice of the lover, and not the attributes of the one being loved. If God's love was based on our attributes then Christ wouldn't have died for our sins. We would never measure up. Yet, we know that Christ died for us, which means that God is loving and that He loves us unconditionally. We should have this same love for others. It isn't "I love you because...", but "I love you period."
A application: Conditional love is scary because if over time we can't measure up then the love is gone and our heart breaks. Unconditional love gives us the freedom to be vulnerable and to allow our relationships to grow deeper in the protection of unwavering commitment. I choose now to focus on loving the person instead of focusing on his attributes (both the good and the bad).
P prayer: God, The love in my heart for the one I love is unwavering, but when it was clear he wasn't going to return it anymore then I wanted it to end. I'm sorry for tainting unconditional love with that desire. Agape love doesn't end. I know You can understand: the Israelites tested Your love throughout the Bible and You never abandoned them. Yes, You turned Your back to punish them, but when they cried out You were still there. Help me to remember love is unconditional, love never ends. In Your loving name, Amen. 

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