Thursday, July 16, 2015

Love Fights Fair

Today, while I was having lunch with coworkers, the lesson I needed to learn about love was evident. The conversation at lunch seemed to come to the consensus that most, if not all of the "lower employees", were frustrated with management or the "higher employees". It wasn't that the company was a bad company or that the people were bad, but that somewhere the company became divided. Double standards became the standard operation policy and connections more important than quality. The result is a disconnect between employer and employees. A company divided against itself will fall. I tend to think of Mark 3:25 in personal terms, as in my house or my relationship, but today it became clear that it also applied to external terms, such as a company. 

S scripture: "If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." Mark 3:25
O observation: Love fights fair. When Jesus first began preaching and casting out demons, the religious leaders felt threatened and accused Jesus of heaving the devil inside of Him. The scripture says that Jesus responded by saying a house divided will fall or in other words, if Satan cast out demons then it would be the end of Satan. In this same way, if we are divided against each other then our marriages/our families/our relationships will fall apart.
A application: We are humans, we fall short, and we fight among ourselves. A fight is inevitable, but when we love someone we fight fair because a house divided will fall. Fighting fair means establishing boundaries; it looks more like an intelligent debate than an argument on reality television. The rule I need the most is not bringing up past mistakes. The past, when unrelated to the present, only provides fuel to the fire. If the past is related to the present then it should be used to illustrate a point and not be thrust upon the person as condemnation. After all, you were suppose to have forgiven the person for that past mistake.
P prayer: God, I have allowed myself to be divided in many situations and every time my relationships have collapsed in upon me. I ask for Your forgiveness for past mistakes and Your blessings in the future. I ask for Your help in remembering love fights fair and in establishing boundaries for healthy engagements. I don't want any more houses to fall. In Your loving name, Amen.

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