Thursday, July 30, 2015

Love Encourages

S scripture: "Guard my soul and deliver me; do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You." Psalm 25:20
O observation: Love encourages. In this life we have expectations for other people, but because they are human those expectations aren't always met. The scriptures say to encourage one another, to not let them be ashamed, and to allow them to take refuge in your love. Yes, you could tell them their mistake or point out a shortcoming, but doing this will only make them defensive and less likely to consider your words. Instead love encourages and takes personal responsibility to improve itself.
A application: It is easy to become frustrated when we feel we have been wronged. The justification for our thoughts and our actions is easily thought up, but even if we are 100% right, telling them that will not bring about a changed heart. Worse, if we continue to nag them about our disappointment then we actually end up hardening their hearts toward us and the issue. I know because I have done this. Not encouraging led to the destruction of a relationship. I choose today to let go of unrealistic expectations and to encourage instead of voicing my disappointment. 
P prayer: God, I have allowed expectations and justifications to lead me to believe I was right to be upset AND to voice my disappointment. I was wrong. Forgive me for forgetting love encourages. Help me to release unrealistic expectations from my heart and to encourage in love. In Your loving name, Amen.

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