Friday, July 17, 2015

Love Takes Delight

S scripture: "Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life." Ecclesiastes 9:9
O observation: Love takes delight. Your life on earth is comparatively short. Whether you are a saint or a sinner your life will lead to death. Ecclesiastes 9 is gloomy, but is effective in conveying this truth: death is inevitable. Do you want to spend your "fleeting life" fighting or delighting with the one you love? The scripture says love takes delight. You have the opportunity to choose and to lead your heart. 
A application: My focus has been on petty squabbles and on selfish desires. I have missed opportunities to delight in the one I love. Today, I am choosing delight over fight. I am choosing to learn more about him, his desires, and to delight in him again. When we have been apart, my heart looks at him and knows exactly what it wants, today is the day to start feeling that way everyday.
P prayer: God, I have missed opportunities to delight in the one I love. I ask that You would forgive me for those missed opportunities. Lead me in my commitment to lead my heart and to delight in him. I thank You for the future opportunities to lead my heart and to show my delight for him. In Your loving name, Amen

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