Friday, July 24, 2015

Love Is Satisfied In God

S scripture: "The Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire." Isaiah 58:11
O observation: Love is satisfied in God. There are needs we all have: the need to be loved and accepted. Yet these needs cannot be dependent upon a person or an object/hobby, etc. or we are continually being disappointed when needs go unmet. God is the only one who can meet all of our needs and thus our satisfaction can only be met through Him. When we are satisfied in God then we can be satisfied in others, forgiving them when they don't meet our needs. Satisfaction in God only comes from a relationship with Him.
A application: A relationship with God, that leads to satisfaction in Him, can only be achieved by being intention about reading His word. I have read His word daily for some time, but I worry that I'm not being intentional and instead reading it out of habit or worse out of an obligation. That isn't the way to lead to a satisfying relationship with God. Today I choose to be intentional, to read like I'm listening to God talk in a conversation, and to develop a satisfying relationship in Him.
P prayer: God, I'm sorry for losing my intentionality in reading Your word. Help me to develop an intentional heart and guide me in growing our relationship. I want to be satisfied in You and You alone. In Your loving name, Amen.

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