Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Love Lets The Other Win

S scripture: "Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Philippians 2:4
O observation: Love lets the other win. The scripture tells us to not just look after our own interests because this leads to stubbornness and selfishness in decision making. There are interests and priorities that we must protect, like our relationship with God, but trivial things need not be fought over. Love isn't stubborn, it is willing.
A application: I am learning to not be stubborn, except on maters that will effect eternity. If it won't matter in the end then I can be flexible and willing now. If everyone only thought of themselves and their own interests then the world would be a much worse place; it would literally be lawless chaos. If we wants others to think of us and be flexible in their own interests then we must be willing too. 
P prayer: God, I have been stubborn and selfish; unwilling to be flexible. I ask for Your forgiveness for my stubbornness and my selfishness. Help me to remember that love lets the other win. Help me to remember my priorities and to remember if it won't effect eternity that I can and should be flexible/willing to compromise. In Your loving name, Amen

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