Saturday, July 25, 2015

Love Is Faithful

S scripture: "I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness. Then you will know the Lord." Hosea 2:20
Observation: Love is faithful. The scriptures say God called Hosea to demonstrate His unconditional love for us through Hosea's marriage to a prostitute, Gomer. Gomer and Hosea had a life together, but Gomer was unfaithful and ended up on the slave's block to be sold. Again, God called Hosea to love Gomer and get her back. This is a symbol of God's love for us and our model for love. Love is faithful even when it is not returned. 
A application: Because Jesus' unconditional love for us is in us we can pour our undeserved love on others. My love isn't being returned and rejection is painful, but the scriptures tell me love is faithful and my model of love is God not the world. I could harden my heart or even repay what has been done to me, that is the world's advice, but instead I choose to love. I choose to be faithful in love.
P prayer: God, You know my heart has been weary, tired of waiting for love to be returned, and ready for relief from the pain of rejection. I have prayed for love to end and that was wrong: love is faithful. Please forgive me for my selfishness and trying to circumvent Your command. Fill me with the love only You can provide that I would be able to give it to him in a way that reflects my gratefulness to You for loving me. In Your loving name, Amen.

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