Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Love Is Responsible

S scripture: "When you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things." Romans 2:1
O observation: Love is responsible. When we do or say something wrong or hurtful it is easy to judge another person and to pass the blame: "if they hadn't done (fill in the blank), then I wouldn't have (again, fill in the blank)." The scripture says that when we do this we are condemning ourselves because we are doing the same thing. The wrong or hurt committed by another person doesn't justify you committing a wrong or hurt in response. Love is responsible for its actions, it listens instead of thinking of a comeback, and confesses when it has done wrong.
A application: Oh, how easy it is to condemn others while justifying our own actions. In life people will wrong us, cause us hurt, AND we will inevitably do the same thing. That is part of being human. Yet, we are called to be responsible for our actions. Today, I choose to listen and to think before I act in response to a hurt. I choose to be responsible for my actions and confess my wrong doings. I choose to not worry if others have done the same because that is their responsibility.
P prayer: God, taking responsibility is difficult, but I know I will be held accountable. Help me to recognize my wrongdoings and to be responsible for my actions. Love is responsible. In Your loving name, Amen

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