Monday, July 6, 2015

Love Is Not Selfish

The preparation for yesterday was love is kind and had the challenge of taking initiative to meet a need. Today, I was eating lunch with a friend and her lunch essentially exploded in the microwave. She attempted to eat her food, but it was inedible. I watched the look of defeat form on her face as she realized that she wouldn't be able to eat her lunch. I had started my lunch earlier and so was finished by the time she started her lunch. I made the decision to take initiative and to meet a need. I volunteered that I was going to a nearby restaurant to grab some fries (after all I did just finish my lunch) and asked if she wanted anything. She did and ended up going with me to eat lunch at the restaurant. I was able to bless my friend with kindness and was rewarded with a nice lunch with a friend. 

S Scripture: "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor." Romans 12: 10

O Observation: God wants us to be devoted to one another in love and to meet one another's needs in honor. Love is not selfish. Love puts the needs of another before its own. Actions should be motivated by love and not selfish desires.

A Application: I try not to be selfish, but when it comes to putting aside my own needs I struggle. I struggle because I'm afraid my needs will go unmet and past experience has shown that they do. However, God does not provide circumstances under which we must love, but rather that we love always. My focus should be on others and trusting God to meet my needs. Love is not selfish.

P Prayer: God, I know love is not selfish and I don't want selfishness to motivate my actions. Help me to put my needs aside and to trust that You will provide for them. Help me to meet needs out of love and love only. In Your loving name, Amen.

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