Sunday, July 19, 2015

Love Intercedes

S scripture: "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 2
O observation: Love intercedes. Part of loving someone is knowing their faults and their limitations, knowing their weaknesses and in love praying for them. No amount of nagging or persuasion on our part will change a heart, only God can. We have insight that we would be advocates and pray on their behalf, that they would prosper and be healthy. Love is like a wise farmer, but only God can make a seed grow into fruit.
A application: I see the flaws, I see the shortcomings, and I see the need for growth, but my responsibility is not to lead a crusade against him. My responsibility is to love him and to intercede on his behalf. I am to recognize the need in his heart, to pray for it, and to not complain about it. Instead of pointing out the speck and missing the log, I am asking God to remove the speck and to show me the log. The result: both hearts are changed.
P prayer: God, help me to turn my complaints into prayers. Help me to remember the log in my eye and not the speck in his. I pray specifically that You would heal his heart. I pray that he would take responsibility for his actions and replace lies with truth. I pray for a breakthrough in communication. I pray equally for my own heart: that I would have healing, that I would take responsibility, and that I would be honest too. In Your loving name, Amen

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