Friday, July 10, 2015

Love Believes The Best

"You have to face problems however difficult they are. Having the bravery to face your difficulties is the hardest step; working through the problem is often easier than you think. The first step is always the hardest." (God Wants You to Know)

This is fitting for today when I all I seem to face is problems. I don't want to face problems, but the problems I face need to be faced and dealt with. The problems include an evaluation at work and the air conditioning in my car. I dealt with the evaluation, though I would have liked to postpone it, and I passed the evaluation. Success. Problem solved. Unfortunately, the air conditioning wasn't fixed in my car and is now a problem for another day. 

The point is that no matter how difficult the problem is you need to face it and start to work through it. God is there with you and has given you the tools you need to solve your problems. A solution won't be found by ignoring the problem. In fact, ignoring the problem often makes it worse. God doesn't tell us to ignore our problems, but to trust Him. All our problems, all of our hurt, and all of our suffering is worked out for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. It doesn't matter how big or how scary your problems are because God promises to work it out for your good. 

There are things in life that will scare you, but you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think (Winnie the Pooh). Not to mention God is on your side and nothing formed against will stand. 

S scripture: "[Love] believes all things, hopes all things." 1 Corinthians 13:7
O observation: Love believes the best. There are two rooms in our heart: the appreciation room and the depreciation room. Love lives in the appreciation room. Love believes the best about someone, because of the appreciation room, and gives them the benefit of the doubt. Love doesn't give up even when love isn't returned because love hopes all things.
A application: When I am upset with the one I love I tend to enter the depreciation room and remember all of things that he has done wrong. Love believes the best and gives the person the benefit of the doubt. I need to live in the appreciation room and to believe all things, to hope all things. Living in the appreciation room means appreciating the one I love everyday and praying for the mistakes the one I love makes instead of holing them against him.
P prayer: God, I haven't always lived in the appreciation room and frequently have visited the depreciation room. I ask for Your forgiveness for all of the times I went into the depreciation room and lingered. I ask for Your forgiveness for all of the times I used items in the depreciation room as ammo when I was upset. I didn't believe all things or hope all things and I'm sorry for not appreciating the one I love. I know I don't deserve another chance, but if You gave me one I ask that You would help me remember to believe all things, hope all things, and to live in the appreciation room. I want my love to be like Yours. In Your loving name, Amen.

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