Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Love Is Not Rude

S scripture: "He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him." Proverbs 27: 14

O observation: Love is not rude. Rudeness is saying or doing anything that is unnecessarily unpleasant to be around. Irrelevant behavior to you could be a curse to another person. Consider treating others how you would want to be treated, not keeping double standards (manners should extend across various relationships in your life), and honor the requests others have made about your behavior (if they say they don't like it then you should stop doing it).

A application: I have never thought about myself as a rude person, but I do know that I have done things before that have made people uncomfortable, such as voicing my opinions too loudly or too stubbornly in the voice of opposition.

P prayer: God, I recognize that I am not the most considerate person and that I can be irritating at times. Please help me to remember the Golden Rule, to not keep double standards, and to honor requests. In Your loving name, Amen.

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