Saturday, July 4, 2015

Love Is Patient

The last few days I have prayed about preparation, not knowing where to start, but knowing that I needed to do something to prepare my heart. I struggled with how to practice, how to truly understand, without someone else there and I turned this over to God. I have felt pushed to prepare, but equally that God isn't going to give me someone until I am prepared. Admittedly, I felt stuck, but then I realized I could study the characteristics and principles of love. With the study, I could also apply the characteristics/principles of love to everyone I encounter in my life. After all, traits like patience and kindness aren't suppose to be reserved just for the one we love. As I enter this time of preparation, I know it will be challenging, but I enter it with eyes open and ready to grow in my understanding of love. I trust God to guide me, to give me understanding, and to bless this journey. I know that He is with me every step of the way, teaching me that I would love like Him.

S Scripture: "Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

O Observation: God's will is that we would be humble, recognizing we are humans who make mistakes, and gentle, recognizing that our tone can affect other people. He wants us to be patient, bearing with each other in love. We need to wait, allow ourselves to see the whole picture, and provide others with the opportunity to be human and to fix their mistakes.

A Application: When I feel an injustice, I am quick to act upon it, to give full vent to my feelings and all, but demand justice from the person. This is not patience or bearing with one another in love. I need to guard my mouth, show restraint in my words, and wait: for the person to correct their mistake or for me to see the whole picture.

P Prayer: God, please forgive me for my impatience. Help me remember I am human too and keep me from responding negatively. In Your loving name, Amen. 

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