Sunday, July 26, 2015

Love Always Protects

S scripture: "[Love] always protects." 1 Corinthians 13:7
O observation: Love always protects. Love protects from harmful influences, shame, and addictions. There is a real need to protect love because there are outside forces threatening to destroy it. These forces come from unrealistic expectations, relationships with others that think love isn't a priority, and addictions that take your time/energy/money away from  the one you love. For lack of a shepherd, the scriptures say the flock falls prey.
A application: I haven't always protected love. I have allowed love to be destroyed by forces intent on feasting upon it. I have allowed relationships to dictate standards that weren't ever an issue until I listened to their poisonous advice. I have allowed negative thoughts to pour from my mouth without regards to their effect on love. I have fallen short. I choose today to protect my "flock" and to keep it from falling prey for lack of a shepherd. 
P prayer: God, forgive me for allowing my love to be preyed upon and for allowing my heart to be poisoned by outside forces. I don't deserve another chance to protect my love, but if it is Your will that I have another change, I pray that I would protect it always. I ask that You would make me a wise shepherd, able to protect my flock from all harm. In Your loving name, Amen.

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