Monday, July 27, 2015

Love Vs. Lust

S scripture: "The world is passing away, and also its lust; but the one who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:17
O observation: Love vs. Lust. Lust allows us to believe lies and to desire what is forbidden. Eve believed the words of the serpent, lusted after the forbidden fruit, and ultimately consumed the fruit that led to her destruction. Lust is in opposition to love. Love cherishes while lust destroys and longs for more. Scripture says that lust will pass away, but love will last forever.
A application: Lust, in relationship to love, is not just about or going after another person; it is any person, object, ambition, or hobby that takes away your focus from the one you love. Desiring success isn't necessarily sinful, but it shouldn't come at the expense of others (i.e. sabotaging a coworker or ignoring the one you love, etc.). Today, I choose to examine my priorities and refocus on the one I love. The world will pass away, but the will of God lives forever.
P prayer: God, it is easy to become caught up in this world and to even lust after worldly things. I have desired more instead of being content with what I have already, which is more than enough. Please forgive me for the lustful thoughts in my heart. Remind me the world is passing away and refocus my heart, as well as my priorities, back on You, for Your will lives forever. In Your loving name, Amen. 

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