Sunday, August 2, 2015

Love Brings Unity

S scripture: "Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are." John 17:11
O observation: Love brings unity. The scripture makes clear the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. There is unity between them and the unity makes the oneness possible; it allows for seamlessness between Them. If our model for love is Jesus then we too need unity with the one we love. We should be one and honor is only achieved if we first honor one another. This unity is not given, but a privilege to be striven for in love. 
A application: Work schedules, personality differences, and the circumstances of our lives all threaten unity. This is because the daily grind tends to make us lose focus of the bigger picture. We allow minute details to dictate responses and interactions in relationships. The focus on the daily struggle causes us to lose sight of the need to strive for unity. If we lose sight then unity is quickly dissolved. I know because I lost sight and small division became a wedge until it finally became a ravine. I am throwing my bridge out, but it has yet to reach the other side and there is no guarantee unity will be restored.
P prayer: God, I lost sight of unity and now face an impossible division. I ask for forgiveness and take heart knowing that You can do the impossible. I pray that the bridge to restoring unity would find ground. In Your loving name, Amen. 

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