Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 10: Read Matthew 1:22-25

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Matthew 1:22-25 further explains the rationale behind the specifics of Jesus's birth and Joseph's dream. Everything happened in order that what the Lord had said through the prophet would be fulfilled. The prophet had said, "The virgin will be pregnant. She will have a son and they will name him Immanuel, which means God is with us." After this is revealed Joseph wakes up and does what the angel told him to do. Joseph took Mary as his wife, but he didn't consummate the marriage until after Jesus was born. When Mary gave birth to a son, Joseph named him Jesus.

One of the ways that God has always demonstrated His work in our lives is through prophecy. Prophecy is a good way to weed out the truth. If I say that a man is coming in 3 days and he will end world hunger then you will know in 3 days if I am right. If he comes then I am telling the truth, but if he doesn't then you know that I do not profess the truth. Throughout history there have been countless claims, but only a select few have come true. These prophecies are measured by their accuracy and their accuracy determines the reliability of the speaker. Now the prophesies written in the Bible are not as specific to their timing as in my example, but they are specific: "The virgin will be pregnant." This isn't an ordinary occurrence and is in fact an impossibility. I suppose technically that today a virgin could become pregnant using in vitro but this was not the case when the prophecy was originally spoken. 

The prophecy itself is an attention grabber because of its sheer implausibility, but it goes on and is even more specific: "She will have a son and they will name him Immanuel, which means God is with us." In this prophecy you are given 3 things: 1) a virgin birth, 2) a son named Immanuel, and 3) God is with us. Mary becoming pregnant when she was a virgin, having a son named Jesus, and then having Jesus die on the cross as the Son of God are the prophecy fulfilled. In the fulfillment you are able to see that speaker is speaking truth. God is real and in Him there is truth. This is important to realize in an age of untruth. More than ever we are bombarded by new thoughts, ideas, and opinions that all claim to be truth, but the reality is there can only be one truth. It is through prophecy that truth can be revealed and in the fulfillment of prophecy the one truth is made clear. Jesus is the truth, He is the way, and He is the source of life. Prophecy has made that much clear.

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