Saturday, December 5, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 5: Read Luke 1:5-10

Zechariah and Elizabeth 

Luke 1:5-10 describes Zechariah as a good man, who served as a priest and his wife, who was a good woman. Scripture states that this couple followed the law and feared the Lord. They were without fault, but they were unable to have a son. It says that Elizabeth was unable to have a child and that she was very old. Then one day Zechariah was burning incense in the temple and an angel appeared to him. 

In Zechariah's time it was thought that people who followed the law would be blessed. If the Lord didn't find any fault with them they would be healthy, prosperous, and have many children to leave a legacy for them. Luke 1:5-10 reveals that this isn't necessarily the case. Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were good people, who followed the law and were without fault, yet it says that they didn't have a son. The birth of a son is important in their time because a son represents prosperity. A son will take care of his parents and he will continue on the legacy of the family. 

It is important to understand that Zechariah and Elizabeth were good people, who followed God, and yet they still had unanswered prayers because it sets the stage for something miraculous. God didn't ignore the reality that this couple wanted a child, but He had a much larger plan for the child than becoming a priest. Luke 1 goes on to state that an angel visited the couple and told them Elizabeth would give birth to a son. This was preposterous because of her age, yet God made it happen. There was some unbelief and this caused Zechariah to be punished, he was unable to speak until his son was born, but his son was still born. That son was named John and it was he who prepared the way for Jesus. 

I think the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth is important to remember at this time of year because there are a lot of unanswered prayers and there is this tendency to think it impossible. Perhaps, when thought of in human standards, it is impossible, but with God nothing is impossible. God took these good people and answered their prayers in such a way that they will be remembered always. Zechariah and Elizabeth not only received the gift of their son, but they also were able to witness their son pave the way for the Messiah. That had to be so much more than they could have realistically hoped for. Whatever it is that you are worried about or afraid won't be answered this Christmas, have faith, because God can do anything. He sent John to Elizabeth and Jesus to Mary and through them the good news of salvation was spread. Just imagine the ways He can answer your prayers and use that answer to spread good news to so many more people.

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