Sunday, December 13, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 13: Read Micah 5:2-5

The Ruler to Be Born in Bethlehem

Micah 5:2-5 is an important prophecy for Christians, "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are too small to be among the army groups from Judah, from you will come one who will rule Israel for me. He comes from very old times, from days long ago." The writer goes on to say that the Lord will give up his people until the one who is having a baby gives birth and then the rest of his relatives will return to the people of Israel. When this happens the ruler of Israel will stand and take care of his people with the Lord's strength. He will have the power of the name of the Lord his God. The Israelites will live in safety because his greatness will reach all over the earth. He will bring peace.

Israel and Judah had seperated. The people once united were at odds with each other and this made them open to temptation from the neighboring countries. The people would go through long periods of time where they didn't obey God and it was during these times that the people faced war, as well as captivity at the hands of their enemies. The prophecy recorded in Micah 5:2-5 would have come as a tremendous blessing to the people of Judah and Israel because it promised safety in the form of a Savior who would rule over them. 

Once again, we see that God likes using a small, insignificant object or person to be the source of His blessing for His people. In the prophecy we see that God has chosen Bethlehem, a town so small that it isn't allowed to be part of Judah's army, to be the birth place of the Savior, the one who will rule Israel for Him. The prophecy begins to illustrate that the Savior will be God by indicating that He is from old times, He will have the Lord's strength, and finally that He will have the power of the name of the Lord his God. Micah 5:2-5 also states that God intends to leave His people until the birth of the Savior. I believe that God gives up His people so that they will be ready when His son is born and will recognize Him as their Savior. When Jesus is born the people of Israel are so ready for their Savior that wise men are studying the stars looking for signs of His arrival. The birth of the Savior is the start of this prophecy, but the prophecy ends when He comes again. It is then that the Israelites will have safety and live in peace.

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