Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 8: Read Luke 1:26-38

An Angel Appears to Mary

Luke 1:26-38 reveals the story of another miraculous pregnancy. During Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy, the angel Gabriel went to the town of Nazareth. He went to a virgin named Mary, who was engaged to a man named Joseph. Joseph was a descendant of King David. The angel greeted her and told her the Lord had blessed her, but this greeting frightened Mary because she didn't know what it meant. The angel told her not to be frightened and said that God had shown His grace on her. He went on to tell her that she would become pregnant and have a son. She would name the baby Jesus and he would be great, the Son of the Most High. The Lord would give him the throne of King David, his ancestor. Her son, Jesus, would rule over the people of Jacob forever and his kingdom will never end. Mary asked the angel how this would be possible since she was a virgin. The angel answered that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Most High would cover her. It is this reason that the baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God. The angel then told Mary that her relative Elizabeth is pregnant though she is very old. The angel says that everyone thought she was unable to have a baby, but that God could do anything. When Mary heard this she said, "I am the servant of the Lord. Let this happen to me as you say!" Then the angel departed from her.

This passage reveals the plan of Jesus's birth. God had selected Mary, a virgin, to be Jesus's mother. He could have selected another woman, but He selected a virgin that Jesus's birth would be miraculous from the beginning. A virgin was physically unable to become pregnant let alone to give birth to a baby. The Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would become pregnant, which meant that Jesus's father wouldn't be biologically a man. Since his father wasn't man, but God Jesus would be considered holy, the Son of God. The angel must be aware that this news is a hard pill to swallow and so goes on to tell Mary about Elizabeth's miraculous pregnancy that demonstrates God can do anything. Upon hearing this Mary believes, commits herself to the Lord as His servant, and welcomes the arrival of the good news the angel has spoken of. 

Christians can learn from Mary's response to this incredulous news. First, Mary questioned the news, not from lack of faith, but from her human perspective. As far as her knowledge allowed, virgin women could not become pregnant and have sons, it was simply impossible. Yet, she doesn't say this. Instead she asks how will God accomplish it given her circumstances. She wants to understand how it is going to work and in essence know her role beyond being the child's mother. This is important to know because sometimes God requires us to do an action in order for His will to be carried out as promised. Second, upon hearing how and being reminded God can do anything, she confesses that she is God's servant and that she is awaiting for His words to be carried out. Mary doesn't complain, argue, or question God's plan further. She could have voiced criticism or complaint about this role He wanted her to play. An unwed woman becoming pregnant would have damaged her reputation and may even have cost her her life. In the very least she would have faced ridicule every where she went. Not to mention she might not have felt ready to be a mother. Regardless of her thoughts in that moment, she committed herself to the Lord and wanted His will to be done. Similarly this should be our response when God tells us His plan. 

Perhaps this Christmas we need to seek God's will in our lives and then like Mary welcome the fulfillment of His words. Then our lives will give birth to His will like Mary gave birth to Jesus. What is God calling you to do?

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