Friday, December 4, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 4: Read Jeremiah 33:14-16

The Good Branch

Jeremiah 33:14-16 states that a time is coming when the Lord is going to fulfill His promise to the people of Israel and Judah. In the appointed time He will make a good branch grow from David's family. This branch will do what is fair and right. At this time the people of Judah will be safe and the people of Jerusalem will know safety. The branch will be named The Lord Does What Is Right.

Branches are an important aspect of a tree. They are the foundation from which fruit grows and becomes ripe. Without branches there would not be fruit. The scriptures state that God will make a good branch grow from David's family. That branch (Jesus) is the strong foundation by which fruit will be produced. The fruit (the people of Judah and Jerusalem) will be safe in the branch that is Jesus. Jesus will do what is fair and right, which means the people can live without fear. The metaphor of the branch and the fruit is a metaphor Jesus Himself used in His teaching of the people. There was darkness then the people saw the Light and the Light removed their heavy burdens. In the Light the people are able to see the good thing that God has promised His people, that is the branch from David's family (Jesus). The branch provided the people safety and a strong foundation from which to grow. The branch is named The Lord Does What Is Right. 

Many people have started putting up their Christmas trees. If you already have your Christmas tree up then take a moment to look at the branches that make up the tree. Natural Christmas trees have both strong and weak branches. In hanging up our ornaments, we look for the strong branches to hold our most favorite and precious ornaments. Why? Because we want our ornaments to be safe and to last for generations to come. We are God's most precious ornaments and so He provided us with the strongest of branches that He knew could support our weight and keep us safe. There are many people that God has made, prophets and saints, but only one that He gave specifically to be our strong branch. Jesus is the one that God has given us to keep us safe and this Christmas He is the gift we should be most grateful to receive.

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