Monday, December 21, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 21: Read Matthew 2:7-8

Wise Men Come to Visit Jesus

Matthew 2:7-8 reveals King Herod's response to the wise men, who came to ask him where Jesus was to be born. After Herod learned where the baby was to be born, he had a secret meeting with the wise men. He learned from these men the exact time that they first saw the star. King Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem, saying, "Look carefully for the child. When you find him, come tell me so I can worship him too."

King Herod had a secret meeting with the wise men because he desired to know information about the star they had seen, in order that he might devise a plan. Remember King Herod was troubled by the news of the birth of the Savior and had sought information from the priests and the teachers of the law. He could not meet with the wise men in front of these men because they knew that King Herod did not want to worship the baby since they had seen him troubled. After King Herod knew an approximate age for the child, he provided the wise men with the information they needed, that is the birth place of the Savior. King Herod had learned this information from the priests and the teachers of the law. It is not clear why King Herod didn't seek the child himself, but he did give explicit instructions to the wise men to tell him the child's location, under the false pretense that he too wanted to worship the child.

This passage is an example of how God can use someone's evil intent for good. King Herod had evil intentions, but through him the wise men were able to obtain the information they needed to find the Savior. Without King Herod providing this information, it is not clear if the wise men would have been able to find the Savior. They were following a star, yet they had to stop and ask, which makes me believe that the wise men needed further directions. God may have also required the wise men to ask so that King Herod would know the news and be able to act according to God's plan. Either way, the events that unfolded between the wise men and King Herod are often overlooked at Christmas, but are important in understanding the Christmas story. There is a darkness to Christmas and this darkness is needed to intensify the light in the birth of the Savior. Without darkness there is no need for light. 

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