Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 1: Read John 1:1-5

Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus. 

John 1:1-5 says that Jesus Christ was with God in the beginning and that He was God. All of creation was made with Him and nothing was made without Him. Jesus Christ is the word of God because He is the way God told people about Himself. He is the Light that darkness cannot overpower. 

This passage is important to understand. Scripture reveals to us the reality that Jesus was there from the very beginning and not just a presence in the New Testament. In revealing this, the Scripture makes clear that Jesus Christ is central to everything. He isn't just a baby that was born in a manger or a man that preached before being crucified, but He is God. Since He is God He is also in all of creation because all of creation was made with Him.

Jesus is the Light that darkness cannot overcome. Our challenge is not in overcoming darkness, but in deciding if we have room for Jesus. For if we have room for Jesus then we have overcome the darkness. Our victory is in the Light that darkness cannot overpower.

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