Saturday, December 12, 2015

Journey to Bethlehem: An Advent Challenge

Day 12: Read Luke 1:46-56

Mary Praises God

Luke 1:46-56 allows us to read Mary's praises to God, "My soul praises the Lord, my heart rejoices in God my Savior, because he has shown his concern for his humble servant girl. From now on, all people will say that I am blessed, because the Powerful One has done great things for me. His name is holy. God will show his mercy forever and ever to those who worship and serve him. He has done mighty deeds by his power. He has scattered the people who are proud and think great things about themselves. He has brought down rulers from their thrones and raised up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with nothing. He has helped his servant, the people of Israel, remembering to show them mercy as he proclaimed to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his children forever." Mary finished her praises to God and stayed with Elizabeth about three months before returning home.

Mary has received wonderful news from God and she bursts forth with praises for Him. She praises him first for what He has done for her and thanks Him for His blessings in her life. She then goes on to remind everyone that God is merciful and that His mercy will endure forever for all those who worship Him. Mary states that God is powerful and goes on to prove His power through a list of His deeds: He has scattered the people who were proud, He brought down rulers, and raised up the humble. She then states that God is kind to the poor, providing the hungry with food, and has remembered to show mercy to Israel. Mary finishes her praises to God by reminding Him of His covenant with Abraham. 

We are able to learn three things from Mary's praises to God. First, when God has blessed us we should immediately give thanks for His blessings. Let me make clear that God doesn't have to bless us, but He does so immeasurably even without us deserving blessing. For this very reason we should praise Him even more frequently and with even more intensity. Second, we see that God desires His servants to be humble. Mary calls herself a humble servant and claims this is the reason God has blessed her. She then goes on to state that God brings down the proud, but raises up the humble. If we are claiming all of the glory then God isn't being glorified, but when we admit our own shortcomings God is glorified in our success. Third, it is ok  to remind God of His covenant with His servants. Throughout scripture His servants are reminding Him of the covenants He has made. Mary is not alone in doing this, Moses and King David did it too. God knows the promises He has made, but I think reminding Him of His promises is in a way praising Him for His faithfulness. 

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