Saturday, March 28, 2015


Today, I just sat there, unsure of what God was trying to show me, and prayed the thoughts that stuck out to me. There was frustration over a child not listening, testing the rules and my ability or willingness to enforce them, and frustration over selfishness, a lack of compassion for living things that depended upon us. This continued into why things happen to certain people or groups of people: the people who make up the royal family or why God set the Levites apart. I sat there and vented, asked my questions, and then stated my desires, which in this case meant dealing with people without becoming frustrated. 

I then sat there and mediated, allowing God to speak to me. I listened, but the only thing I could hear was my growling stomach. It was nearly 11 at night and I hadn't eaten nearly enough. As I made myself a sandwich, I realized God was speaking to me, He was telling me I needed to take care of myself. Just like He had to do with Elijah the prophet (1 Kings 19). God sent His angel to him to give him food and drink before instructing him to sleep. God is there taking care of us even when we forget. 

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