Sunday, March 15, 2015

This Too Shall Pass

Image result for this too shall pass

Today's lessons from God was difficult to learn and I'm beginning to realize sometimes we need to hear or receive the lesson multiple times. Change is inevitable, oh how I loathe that fact, and so to must be accepted. We have to learn to accept the changes around us and to adjust our lives accordingly. Now we don't have to like the change, but we do have to accept it as a reality or every reminder of the change is painful and feels like a punch to the kidneys. Right now I am in the middle of a change and I hate it, but I'm trying to remember this too shall pass. Maybe it will be the pain I feel or the maybe the circumstances causing the pain, only time will tell, but it will pass. 
Being able to accept this also means I have to trust God's supply to meet my needs. Today has been difficult to do so. I was overwhelmed by the pain, feeling all alone, and certain I couldn't keep doing it. Well I can't, but God can. He is perfectly capable of replenishing my needs and changing my attitude if I am willing to let go and trust Him. Tonight, at the end of a day that it took all I had to keep going. I know exactly what I need to pray for and that is comforting. Especially when I went through most of the day knowing if there was a lesson for me to learn and only just realized what God was trying to teach me a few minutes before beginning to write.
Image result for God's timingWhich is another lesson worth learning: God does things on His timetable and not our's. This is a frustrating lesson to learn and to accept, but I have experienced it in such a way that I realize if things had happened on my timetable I wouldn't have been ready. We think we know best, we think we are prepared for God to answer our prayers, but when He does it is then we realize how unprepared we were and that God knew exactly how we needed to grow and change to be prepared.

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