Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday

Today, Palm Sunday, is the start of the week that ends in the celebration of Jesus's resurrection. I was thinking about the significance of today and thought I should follow Jesus' journey during the last week of His life. 7 DAYS. In 7 days, Jesus' life would be drastically different. In 7 days, He would be celebrated, persecuted, crucified, and finally He would be resurrected. 

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter that commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event that is mentioned in each of the four gospels. The Pharisees and other religious leaders sought to kill Jesus, which made Jesus' entry into Jerusalem very dangerous. Jesus knew that entering Jerusalem was dangerous and that in a few, short days these same people that welcomed Him would be advocating His death. Yet, He entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey anyways and the people celebrated His arrival. The people laid down their cloaks and small branches of palm tress in front of Him and sang Psalm 118: 25-26 "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord."  

This moment in time is significant. Jesus knew the fate that awaited Him when He entered in Jerusalem and He went anyways. Even His disciples, who didn't truly understand what was to happen in the week, knew that entering Jerusalem was unsafe since the Pharisees hated Jesus. Yet, Jesus went anyways. Fear should not be a road block in our paths. Yes, there will be things in our lives that will cause us to fear, but these things should not hinder us from following God's plan for our lives. Jesus knew exactly what He was going to experience, the pain and the agony, and He went anyways. Honoring God's will for His life was more important to Him than any fear He might encounter. He loved us and desired a relationship with us with such fervency that He entered into Jerusalem willingly.  

The love we have for God should allow us to enter into His will with the same willingness and urgency. It doesn't matter if we can't see the whole picture, or know what the next week of our lives will hold, we just need to trust God and live fearlessly in His will for our lives. 

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