Saturday, April 18, 2015


Expectations fill our lives and often lead to disappointment. Our expectations range from other people's behaviors to anticipated dates or events and finally to God's will for our lives. Today my expectations weren't met and in some instances this was a good thing. For instance, I had this expectation a parent would show up for their child's performance and then I had the expectation the parent wouldn't show, this was based on their statement alone. In this last expectation, I was challenged to comfort the child, who was distraught, not knowing what to say and then my expectations weren't met: the parent showed up and was there for the child.

Then there was the desire for an invitation and the expectation it would be met. After all, I followed the same procedure I had done the last two days. Yet, that expectation wasn't met. Instead I slept, exhausted, and unmet expectations didn't seem so disappointing. Then there are the new expectations we form when old expectations aren't met or aren't met in the way we had hoped. These new expectations have the same pitfalls as the old expectations: no matter how much we know we can never know everything and our expectations are flawed. Shakespeare once wrote, "Expectation is the root of all heartache." Shakespeare is right, expectation leads to heartache, and reveals more about us than anything else. When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be.

Today, and in life, what messes me up the most is the picture in my head of how it is supposed to be, how I would do it, or what I desire the most. God loves us and only wants what is best for us, which can either mean trials or blessings. Wrong motives, selfish expectations, are sinful and will not be met (Proverbs 10:28, Proverbs 11:7). While right motives, expectations thought of in the Holy Spirit, can be amazing (Philippians 3:20-21, Philippians 1:20-21). Our expectations should be on God's truth for God never disappoints, His truth is always there for us.

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