Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Silent Day

Today is day four, but no record of today was made in the Gospels. However, much activity would have been happening as Jesus was preparing for the Last Supper. Judas and Sanhedrin were also busy preparing for Jesus' arrest. Jesus remains in Bethany and stays the night there again. 

I understand the need for quiet days, when nothing seems to be happening, but I know that even on this silent day Jesus was busy. Tomorrow, Jesus will be arrested and I think that knowledge must have weighed heavily upon Him. This man, who He had invited along this journey with Him, was going to betray Him and hand him over to be killed. I imagine a tension in the air as both Jesus and Judas knew what was about to happen. I wonder if the other disciples noticed, if they made a comment to one another, or if they continued on with their lives, not recognizing the intensity of the moment. 

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