Thursday, April 23, 2015

Not Ready

Today has been interesting: a lot of things that don't make sense or are just out of the blue have happened. Today, when my thoughts weren't on trying to make sense of the things that had happened, they were on feelings of not being ready. Over and over again, throughout the day, I repeated, "I'm not ready." There wasn't exactly anxiety, but an uncomfortable feeling. Hesitation must have been on my heart because both God Wants Me To Know Messages were on timing. 

The first was "There is a right time," and referred to doing things according to our natural rhythm. The second was "Now is the right time," and was about this moment being the exact moment God wanted me in. The last few days I have struggled with this and I can't help, but believe God is trying very hard for me to be in this moment with Him and to just trust His plan. I might not know about tomorrow or the outcome of events or choices I have made, but I know that I am where God wants me to be and that is enough. It is enough to know that I haven't ventured off the path and I am right where I need to be.

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