Sunday, April 5, 2015

He Has Risen

He Has Risen! Today, is Easter Sunday, and Jesus has risen from the dead. For Christians this is a day of celebration and joy. Jesus makes six appearances today. First, He appears to Mary Magdalene, who has come to see Him at His tomb, and gives her a message for His disciples. She goes on to give the message to His disciples while Jesus stays behind. Jesus then appears to the other women, who have come to the tomb intending to complete the burial preparation of His body (yesterday being the Sabbath, they were unable to finish it). Third, Jesus appears to two of His disciples on the Road to Emmaus. These disciples rush on to tell the other disciples. Then Jesus appears to Simon Peter, although this is not recorded, but only alluded to in Luke 24:33 and 1 Corinthians 1:5. Finally, Jesus appears to His astonished disciples, but Thomas is absent. The disciples are overjoyed and share the news of Jesus' resurrection with Thomas, but he doesn't believe. 

Jesus could have left Thomas in his doubt, but instead He appeared to Thomas and showed him the wounds in His hands, His feet, and the piecing in His side. Thomas no longer doubted. Jesus, having risen from the dead, continued to show love and grace to His disciples. Having shown Himself to His disciples, Jesus ascends into the Heavens and is restored to His place of glory. Jesus' love and grace didn't end with His compassion for Thomas, but continues today for all people. Jesus is waiting for you to answer the door of your heart, He is knocking even now, will you answer?

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