Friday, April 3, 2015

The Trials of Jesus Christ

Yesterday, Jesus was betrayed, arrested, and abandoned by His friends, even Peter, who promised to stay with Him always. Today, He will face six trials and ultimately be persecuted by the very same people who celebrated His arrival on Sunday.

The first trial is before Annas and happens in the night time hours (early morning). Annas is looking for an accusation, ultimately biding time until Sanhedrin is gathered at High Priestly villa. The second trial, the primary trial, is before Sanhedrin and Jesus is condemned, misused. The third trial happened immediately at dawn. Peter denies Jesus a third time, Jesus looks upon him, and the rooster crows 3 times. The condemnation is repeated and Jesus is taken to the Romans. The fourth trial is before Pilate, but finding Jesus without fault, he sends him to Herod to be dealt with. The fifth trial is before Herod, who sends Jesus back to Pilate. The sixth and final trial is before Pilate. Pilate's wife is plagued by a dream about Jesus and tells Pilate not to have involvement in His death. Jesus is scourged. Pilate gives the people an option and a way out, thinking the people are just jealous of Jesus. Pilate offers the people Barabbas, a convicted murder, or Jesus to be released as part of their celebration. The crowd cries out, "Crucify Him or we will tell Rome!" Pilate is unable to reason with the people and fears a riot. Jesus is turned over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified. The Roman soldiers mocked Jesus, making Him a crown of thorns. Meanwhile, plagued with guilt, Judas hangs himself.

The time has come. Jesus bears His cross to the gate on the north of the city and is crucified around 9 am. Nailed to the cross, Jesus is mocked again and again. The people cry out to Jesus, asking Him, "Where is your God to save you?" This might be hard to imagine, but Jesus was on the cross by choice and as the people mocked Him, He could have chosen to leave then, to not provide salvation through His death. Instead He prayed, "Father, forgive them. They do not know what they have done." On either side of Jesus were prisoners, one joined the crowd mocking Jesus and the other recognized Jesus for what He was, to this prisoner Jesus said, "Today, you will be with me in paradise." Mary, Jesus' mother is there, and it must have been awful watching her son hang on that cross, not truly understanding why He was there. Jesus sees His mother, recognizes her pain, and tells her, "Woman, behold thy son...", giving her a new son in the form of His disciple.

Darkness falls, even though it is noon, and remains until 3 pm. God's back is turned on His son as the sin of the people is cast on Him upon the cross. Jesus cries out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" The people continue to mock Him, challenging His God to save Him, and wait to see what will happen. Jesus speaks again, "I thirst," and someone offers him a sponge soaked in vinegar. Then it is time and Jesus gives up His spirit, "It is finished." Around 3 pm, after Jesus gives up His spirit, the veil of the temple is torn. The people can now have free access to God and they no longer have to rely on the priests. Some graves are opened and the people rise (to mortality) and go into the city. As the evening goes on, the soldiers become impatient waiting for the prisoners to die. The soldiers pierce Jesus' side, but He was already dead. The Passover lambs are slain in the temple and Jesus is buried at sundown.

Now, Jesus was dead, but the Pharisees still feared Him and convinced Pilate to have guards in front of His tomb, lest His disciples were to steal His body in the middle of the night. This request is funny to me because His disciples were distraught at Jesus' death and were not likely to think of, let alone execute, a body snatch. The tomb of Jesus is sealed and the people continue on to their homes. For many this is the end, but we have the benefit of knowing Jesus' death on the cross isn't the end.

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