Thursday, April 9, 2015

Frustration Part 2

Last night I was consumed with frustration. All night long and well into the morning, my dog thought it necessary to scratch at my bedroom door. She wanted out and then in. Over and over again while I was trying to sleep. It is difficult to not take it personally when you are tired and she is personally keeping you from sleeping. The victory of yesterday is now a distant memory.

The truth is sometimes we need to have help to not be frustrated. The help we need can come from ourselves. Frustration and irritability, not the righteous frustration, are caused by 3 things: stress, drained resources, and taking things personally. Stress can be limited or even prevented, but you need to be proactive. Stay organized, add margins to your day, and recognize when you need a break. Taking breaks is important because when our resources are drained we don't have anything left to give, either for ourselves or for others. Replenish resources through enough sleep, eating right, and taking breaks. Finally, don't take other people's behaviors personally. 

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